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Mayor launches WhatsApp Water Reporting Line


Mayor launches WhatsApp Water Reporting Line

IN an effort to reduce water wastage in the country’s ongoing drought, the eThekwini Municipality launched its WhatsApp Water Reporting Line on Wednesday. It is hoped that the innovative project would enable the City’s 3.5 million residents to quickly and easily report water leaks and other related issues.

The aim, said City Mayor, Zandile Gumede, is to ‘streamline’ and ‘fast-track’ service delivery.

She said the mobile application would enable the community to report blocked sewer drains and water supply interruptions as well as issues which could exacerbate the ongoing water shortages experienced throughout the country, including leaks, burst pipes and illegal connections – anytime and anywhere.

“The public will even be able to send location pins, so that officials know the exact location of the issue. Photos can also be taken and sent to facilitate correct capturing and coding of faults,” she said.

eThekwini Municipality's City manager, Sibusisio and Mayor, Zandile Gumede sign a pledge committing them to improving service delivery at the launch of the WhatApp Water Reporting Line.

eThekwini Municipality’s City manager, Sibusisio and Mayor, Zandile Gumede sign a pledge committing them to improving service delivery at the launch of the WhatApp Water Reporting Line.

What’s more, residents can use the chat history on the platform for reference should the issue remain unresolved.

“We have put our foot down on poor service delivery. We want every citizen to be able to get a response to their service delivery issues; even those who do not have access or cannot afford other means of communication. This is the easiest, quickest and most cost effective means, which could even be used by people in rural communities,” said Gumede.

With the drought, she said, the City was committed to using innovative technology to speed-up response time and save water.

Speaking at the launch, Gumede said, while the line is primarily for reporting, water service related issues, other ‘pressing’ issues could also be reported on the platform.

“The project is in full swing with all systems put in place. eThekwini Water and Sanitation has all the necessary infrastructure in place, with Call Centre staff assigned and trained. The number residents are urged to save on the phone is 073 148 3477.

Published 19 Feb 2017 / Views -
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